Sunday, October 30, 2011


Vyas Divya Jyoti Boarding School,Damauli

Welcome to Vyas
Vyas Divya Jyoti School, named after a great sage Ved Vyas, came into being on the 1st of March 1981 with a view to fulfilling in this locality long felt need of a privately run boarding school. The school not only intends to producing pupils capable of facing complexities of this new age but it also enables its pupils to adapting themselves to its dynamic forces.
"Personality development through quality education" is the motto of the school. By Personality development" we mean balanced developmnet of all those aspects of an individual which contribute to his well being. To be precise, it means , balanced development of an individual\'s cognitive and affective aspects. On the other hand, "quality education" inour case refers to educational atmosphere replete with such teaching learning experiences where children may acquire highest possible educational achievement. Hence the school will not spare any effort to translate its motto into reality.
The school aims at:
a. Achieving the national objectives of education and other objectives of schools as formulated by the national Education System Plan.
b. Developing all round personality of each individual pupil regardless of his/her colour, gender, caste, religious belief and social standing
c.Producing pupils with creative mind useful not only to themselves but also to their family, society, the country and fellow beings.
d. Fostering in its pupils belief, attitude and other emotional qualities useful to their life, family, soiciety, the country and fellow being
e. Cultivating in its pupils qualities of leadership with emphasis on discipline and character

Principal's message

Dear Students, Parents, Teachers and all the Well Wishers of Vyas Divya Jyoti Boarding School,
A very happy Dashain and Deepawali to everybody. This website is dedicated specially to those students who have left the school and gone abroad for further studies. It is also for those who are away from Damauli or are in other countries. I feel proud to learn that my students are doing well even if they are elsewhere. This is the greatest achievement I think I have achieved. The achievement of the student is my achievement.
We will try to develop this website further and look forward to your suggestions. Please email for further improvement to
This is my first message. I will try to renew this message as soon as I find time and feel it is necessary to do so.
Surya Kumar Subba

Our philosophy


In order to achieve its aims and objectives the school will
create necessary educational atmosphere by appointing efficient, experienced and educationally qualified teaching staff.
adopt the curriculum approved by the Ministry of Education, Government of Nepal. Besides, it will also use other reference books
employ suitable method of teaching as normally practised by schools of repute.
pay equal attention to curricular, co-curricular and extra curricular teaching learning activity
apply appropriate evaluation devices to find out reliable achievement of the pupils.


It was established in the year 1981 AD (2037B.S.) It was founded by Mr. Surya Kumar Subba who setup the formal schooling which was one of the first private school in the District.


Rules and regulations

Rules and Regulation

Rules and Regulations:

The primary right and duty to educate rest with the parents. In the home, more than any other place, parents teach by their example, reverence for God and respect for the dignity of others. They are also tremendously influential in cultivating among their children the virtues of love for neighbor, justice, generosity, loyalty, industry and honesty which are essential for good life
Student should be in school by 9:45 AM. All children have to attend the school assembly every morning which begins at 10:00 AM.

Parents are responsible to pick up their children at dismissal time of the school.

Regularity of attendance and punctuality are important in the academic progress of the chlid and in His or Her character training.

In all cases, the school office should be notified by the parent if a student is to be absent that day. Student absent without notifying will be considered truant and the proper authorities will be notified.

A written excuse from the parent of an absent student must be presented to the teacher when the student returns to school. These become part of the attendance file.

No student may leave school during the school day unless accompanied by a parent or guardian who must report to the school office. In the case of a student's illness while in school, the school will call the telephone number

One of the most important aspects of education is discipline which should eventually be internalized. Discipline is the training that develops self-control, orderliness, efficiency and character.

Basic to all discipline is the principal of respect - respect for one's self, for others and for all children.

In order to form proper habits and attitudes, the following ruled for good conduct are expected to be obeyed by every student:

1. Respect for all school property and school uniform.
2. Courtesy and consideration for all members of the school community.
4. Silence places and times designated for silence.
5. No chewing of gum in the building or on school grounds.
6. No student is allowed anywhere in the school building without supervision.
Appropriate disciplinary action will be taken for failure to adhere to the above rules.
result class 10

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